Camilla Theakstone

Camilla Theakstone

Camilla Theakstone is a journalist with experience in broadcast, print and digital journalism. She studied Journalism and Media at the University of New South Wales from 2017 - 2019 and worked in multiple news organisations, including News Corp and Channel 7, throughout her studies. Her main areas of interest are business, finance and public interest journalism. She now reports for Insurance Business Australia.


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QBE CEO removed after complaint from female colleague

QBE CEO removed after complaint from female colleague

Board states it took "decisive action"

Lloyd's market reveals huge coronavirus payout to customers

Lloyd's market reveals huge coronavirus payout to customers

Get ready for the industry to be stung - it's a massive figure

Munich Re profits hit by 65% due to COVID-19

Munich Re profits hit by 65% due to COVID-19

It joins a raft of mega firms that have issued profit target warnings


Global Weekly News Roundup May 29- June 02, 2023

Tune in to all the latest news including shipping losses hit record low

Global Weekly News Roundup May 22-26, 2023

Listen to all the latest news including global insurance premium income revealed

What's next for the cyber market?

Rate increases are showing signs of stability, but organizations can't skimp on their risk management protocols

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